Parent Information
Chesapeake Driving School - Info for parents
Chesapeake Driving School, along with the MVA, believes that parent involvement is paramount to young student drivers becoming as safe as they can be on the road. We also know how difficult it can be for parents to fit a 3 hour orientation class into their schedule for Drivers Education. In that spirit of understanding Chesapeake Driving School offers an hour long parent night once a month online for parents who have enrolled their students, or plan on enrolling their students, into one of our Driver Education classes.

This is no extra cost and enrolling is easy. We also have a quick and informative powerpoint you can find on this page that tries to conveniently and efficiently explain the steps involved in Driver Education. Finally, remember the MVA has great information for parents on their website and those links can be found on our FAQ page.
***Due to current COVID restrictions, email jcunningham@chesapeakeds.com if you would like a link to the parent night for a particular month. All registered families will get an email inviting them to the monthly virtual parent night***
Offered Classes & Informational PowerPoint
Here are our offered classes for parents (these are held at the Duke Street Office):
Here are some helpful links for parents:
Remember to Download and fill out the 'Rookie Driver Log' book as your student drives. You can download the log book here.